Wednesday, December 19, 2007

27days to go!

Anybody have any boxes they're not using?!?

Sunday, December 16, 2007

30 days to go...

It's hard to believe that we'll be living in a house in only a month. We haven't been in the condo very long, but we've gotten to know the neighbours a bit, just enough to be a little sad to leave them. However, I'm not unaccustomed to moving: this house will be my 14th home. I've gotten used to the security of being on the third floor of an apartment building. I'll really miss the view we have from here when we go. It's such an open vista & really beautiful at the moment, with a dusting of snow on the North Shore peaks.

I have been thinking about some of the surprises that we'll find once we've moved into the house. We've never seen it on a clear day, so we only have the word of the listing realtor that it has a mountain view. I thought of another surprise this morning: there's a rhododendron in the front yard, but we have no idea what colour the blooms will be. Hopefully our home inspector has forewarned us of all the other issues with the house, so there won't be any nasty surprises to discover. He was very thorough, but we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pictures of the Main Floor & Exterior

Here are some photos of the house, inside & out. Some are taken from MLS & some are ours.

The Ground Floor

These are a few shots of the basement suites. Know anybody who's looking for a place in February or March?


The awesome scale of what we are taking on, compared to doing renos on a simple two-bedroom condominium is starting to sink in. First things first and the first things are big. I'm trying not to think of that awful comedy "The Money Pit", but it keeps cropping up in my mind. However...

Location, Location, Location.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Onwards & Upwards!

This blog is soon to be mis-named: we are moving into a house!

Here are some photos from MLX & some taken during our inspection...

Sunbathing, anyone? South-facing semi-covered deck!The kitchen needs a *little* work...The master bedroom

These last two are taken in one of the basement suites.