Wednesday, January 23, 2008

No mousies, but furnace estimator finally crawled out of his hidey-hole.

It took a few weeks of trying, but the nearest plumbing and heating company's (3 blocks away) furnace installation estimator finally paid me a visit after I called him first thing in the morning and he let me know he *might* be able to come by at some point in the day. As it stands, he called me with about 10 minutes notice- good thing I hadn't left the house- and told me he was on his way.

When he walked into the basement suite that contained the furnace and hot water tank closet, he looked at the outside of the furnace, stooped down and opened the door to the heat exchanger and read the thermal output of the existing furnace 105,000 BTU and told me he would be recommending a 120,000 BTU unit, to help warm the downstairs suites. And that was about it. There was no measuring, no questionnaire to fill out, nothing. Without my barrage of questions, he could have been back in his truck in 5 minutes. And this I waited several weeks for.


shihtzustaff said...

New furnaces are fun. Is yours not working well? We had to put in a new furnace immediately because ours was shooting flames out of the bottom. We went with an ultra-high efficiency Carrier and we have been pleased with it.

Anonymous said...

I believe our furnace guy didn't even go in the house to give us the estimate. He just asked how big the house was, what kind of windows etc. He ordered the furnace and installed it in the house the day after we moved, but he had never been in the house before that day. It works great though! ;)